Using your County Health Ranking Results, explain how these four pathways impact the outcomes you observed within your county.

You are tasked to watch the following video ( and react to the video by answering the following questions:
1-What are the four pathways of how housing affects a person’s health?  explain how they impact someone’s health. (300 words)
2-Using your County Health Ranking Results, explain how these four pathways impact the outcomes you observed within your county. (300 words)
Please use my county health ranking results:
Which County you live in: Hudson County
County Rank: 9 out of 21
Length of life: 5,000 Premature Deaths
Quality of Life: Poor or Fair Health 20%
Health Behaviors: Obesity 24%, Food environment index 8.7, Physical Inactivity 29%, Teen Births 19
Clinical Care: Uninsured 13%, Preventable Hospital Stays 5,687, Mammography screening 34%
Social and Economic Factors: Income Inequality 6.0, Social Associations 5.4, Injury Deaths 43
Physical Environment: Drinking water violations NO, Severy Housing Progracgoms 28%, Air Pollution 9.6