Identify the shortest possible time in which the project can be completed

Project Management CW1

Overall aim, objectives, and reason for undertaking the project. – about 50 Words
Task 1 (15 marks)
SOLUTION – about 225 words
Explain your choice of the most appropriate methodology/Body of Knowledge (BOK), for the project described above, with its pros and cons. Provide justifications for your choice. Your choice is not necessarily limited to the methodologies/BOKs which were taught in the module (i.e. Waterfall, Agile, Scrum and PRINCE2).
Please do not forget to support your arguments by citations from the relevant literature; Feel free to provide a brief comparison between methodologies to clarify your choice.


Task 2 (25 marks)
Solution – about 375 words
Add a brief explanation of the figure below. Also, do not forget to include a legend to your diagram or at least explain the meaning of the different values inside the activity’s rectangle shape.

Figure (add a title)
Explain how you drew the diagram and calculated the different values.
Also identify the critical path(s) in the project (for this project, you have two critical paths: 1 → 2 → 4 → 8 → 11 → 12 and 1 → 3 → 5 → 9 → 11 → 12).
Identify the shortest possible time in which the project can be completed (for this project, this time is 70 weeks). Make sure to use the correct “unit”; in this example, the unit is “week”.
Please use MS Project, which is available in a number of computers in each campus, to create a Gantt Chart for the project. To create the chart, you need to use the information in the “table of activities” as well as one of the dates mentioned in the exercise’s introduction.

Figure 2 (add a title)
The steps of creating the Gantt Chart are explained in a separate document which should be provided by your lecturer.
Task 3 (20 Marks)
Solution – about 300 words
Make sure you identify both INTERNAL and EXTERNAL stakeholders and organise them in the interest-power matrix below. Add a couple of lines to explain the diagram. Including about ten stakeholders both in the Power/Interest Matrix and the table below, please.
Low High


Figure :
Add a couple of lines to explain the table below.

takeholder Internal / External Amount of Power/Interest
The stakeholder has How would the stakeholder affect the project or be affected by the project Communication Strategy
WHO? INTERNAL or EXTERNAL? High or Low Power/ High or Low Interest Explain how
(1-2 sentences) In which ways will the communication happen with this stakeholder?
(1-2 sentences)
Table :

Task 4 (10 Marks)
SOLUTION – About 150 words
You basically need to categorise the activities in the assignment’s table under different categories, as shown in the example of the WBS chart below. Use the information in the activity table provided to create this chart. It MUST be numbered. Add a couple of lines to explain the WBS diagram below.

Figure :

Create a diagram (organogram) similar to the one below. Come up with possible names for staff members working under each department head. Add a couple of lines to explain the organisational chart below.
Figure :

Task 5 (15 Marks)
Solution – about 225 words
Add a couple of lines to explain the diagram below (you need to include 20 risks). Include both positive and negative risks.

Low High

Figure :

Add a couple of lines to explain the table below. The risks discussed in the table should match the ones in the figure above.
You need to use one of the strategies (e.g. avoid, accept, mitigate, transfer, exploit, enhance, share … etc.);
you need to identify the appropriate strategy for each risk and explain how to use it. Relying heavily on one strategy for all the identified 20 risks will not help you obtain high marks

Risk Description of the risk
Negative / Positive Probability / Impact Strategy to deal with the risk
What is the name of the risk ? Negative or Positive and why? High or Low probability/High or Low impact? avoid, accept, mitigate, transfer, exploit, enhance, share and why?

Task 6 (15 marks)

SOLUTION – about 225 words
Write about the following with respect to the project you are undertaking.
Quality Expectation
Elaborate on this sub-heading.
Acceptance Criteria
Acceptance Criteria A prioritised list of criteria that the project product must meet before the customer will accept it, i.e. measurable definitions of the attributes required for the set of products to be acceptable to key stakeholders.
Elaborate on this sub-heading. You might use the MoSCoW method to prioritise the acceptance criteria.
Quality Specification
Elaborate on this sub-heading. Example as the following picture