how you might create a sense of visual unity or continuity: How will you try to make sure your product tells a coherent story?

Identify the following:

The potential to create a supersonic aircraft for international travel.

Product you’d like to create that includes multiple images.
Description of the product.
Why: Purpose of the product.
Target audience: Whom are you reaching? Identify culture, demographics, psycho graphics.
3–5 ideas on how you might “speak” to your audience visually:

What choices might you make to connect with and appeal to your audience? Think about color, symbolism, iconography, perspective, design principles, and so forth. Refer to the FTC palette for guidance as needed.

3–5 ideas on how you might create a sense of visual unity or continuity: How will you try to make sure your product tells a coherent story?
Note that you’ll probably end up adjusting your ideas as you create the product. Some things will work, some won’t, and some will need tweaking. The point here is for you to show that you know how to speak to your audience and create unity; your ideas will help orient you when you staccato putting your product together