Evaluate and explain the major factors and performance requirements of project management.

You are to assume that it is 27th of September 2021, the Monday of the first week of the project. While the project team is being formed, the Project
Manager asks you to prepare a 1500 (+/10%) word report to be with him on 12th November 2021 and which he can present to TfL and the University’s
Student Council.

The title of the report is “TfL project management plan for the s
taging of one of the famous operettas of playwright William G. Gilbert and composer Arthur

Main Activities with Predecessors
Name of the Task
Duration Predecessors
Budget Approval 1 day
Hire Publicity Director 14 days 1
Hire Set Designer 14 days 1
Hire Place For Auditions 7 days 2
Advertising To Hire Crew and Cast 7 days 4
Hire Production & Publicity Crew 28 days 5
Set Designed and Built 42 days 3,6
Train Production Crew 12 days 3,6
Auditions To Hire Cast 2 days 5
Cast Rehearsal 84 days 9
Hire Orchestra 7 days 1
Music 7 days 11 13 Photograph Cast And Crew & Collect Biographies 35 days 6, 9,11
Enter Information Into Computer 1 day 13
Printing 5 days 14
Develop an Advertising Plan 7 days 6
Advertising Media 21 days 16
Orchestra rehearsal 4 days 12
Order Costumes 7 days 9
Costume Parade And Alterations 5 days 7,19
Dress Rehearsal 1 day 8,10,18,20
Performance 10 days 15,17,21

Task 1

1) The project management plan must begin by providing a justification for the project i.e. A compelling business case project objectives and
deliverables. Followed by a critical analysis of what methodology would be appropriate for this project and why? Support just justification with
examples of where this methodology has been previously used as well as the benefits of using this methodology in your project. (15 marks)

Task 2

2) (i) Develop a network diagram manually, AS TAUGHT (activities on arrows) clearly showing the relationship between all the activities listed above,
the dependencies, the likely duration for each activity, the likely completion date (expected total project time). Calculate the earliest starting time,
the latest starting time (EST,LST) and the earliest finishing time and latest finishing time (EFT, LFT) for each activity including an outline description
of the critical path, highlighting the critical activities and the shortest possible time in days in which the project can be completed as scoped above.
(give reasons for your choice). (ii) Using microsoft project i.e. MS Project, represent the activity list above in a Gantt Chart [25 marks]

3) Task 3
Undertake a stakeholder analysis for this project. This should clearly identify internal and external stakeholder, group stakeholders according to
their interest and power i.e. stakeholder management matrix, communication strategies. (20 marks)

4) Task 4

Using the activity list above, develop a clearly numbered Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) alongside an organizational structure for this music
event [10 marks]

5) Task 5

You are required to prepare a Risk Analysis for 20 different risks that could affect your project. Analyse the risks involved and develop strategies
for dealing with them in detail. Present your Risk Analysis and Risk Management strategies/mitigations in the form of a table, AS TAUGHT in class.
[15 marks]

6) Task 6

You are required to determine what the quality expectation, acceptance criteria, quality specification, and what measures would be put in place
to control the event. In other words you write up in this section must cover these heading. (15 marks)

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following
module learning

LO 1: Evaluate and explain the major factors and performance requirements of project management.

LO 2: Plan projects using appropriate project management software

LO 3: Analyse and critically evaluate projects using an appropriate industry standard methodology