Define Black English/Language according to linguist Dr. Geneva Smitherman’s chapter and discuss the significance of “indicating remote past through verb structure” and “semantic inversion,” two “features” of Black English/Language, according to Smitherman. W

Using your own words please write a complete paragraph (five to seven sentences) in response to each question below you can write more if you wish but When you take phrases or sentences from the readings, please use quotations or the citation style of your discipline

1. Explain the Social Looking-Glass Theory in comparison to the Social Contrast Theory? What are the problems with these theories, according to Kambon? Why does he suggest that these personality theories are Eurocentric (from the perspective of White culture and values)?
2. Discuss William E Cross’ Nigrescence Theory. What do these stages suggest and what is Kambon’s critique of Cross’ model?
3. Compare Robert Williams’ “WEUSI” theory of the African/Black personality to Kambon’s African Self Extension Orientation and African Self-consciousness? How are they similar and how are they different?
4. Given all that you have read in this chapter, return to the quote by Amos Wilson on the first page of this chapter. What is the point of Amos’ quote and how does it relate to this chapter?

5. Define Black English/Language according to linguist Dr. Geneva Smitherman’s chapter and discuss the significance of “indicating remote past through verb structure” and “semantic inversion,” two “features” of Black English/Language, according to Smitherman. Why should we care about understanding the history, featurcgoes and categorization of Black English?