Describe how your map meets the criteria from the Time Map Checklist and identify the tools you will use to keep you on track.

Describe how your map meets the criteria from the Time Map Checklist and identify the tools you will use to keep you on track. Include your time map as a figure in your paper or as an appendix; be sure to utilize appropriate APA formatting.Making It Happen

Develop your strategy for putting your plan into practice. In your strategy, address the following:

How will you use the tools you have identified to keep you balanced, hold yourself accountable to your plan, and monitor your productivity?

How often will you review your progress?

What alternative strategies will you put in place to manage risks, environmental factors, and/or psychological obstacles?

Part Two:
Provide an overview of the topic you are interested in studying, including the context and your rationale for selecting your topic.
Delineate a brief history of this area of study and the relevancy of this topic in today’s business world.
Devise one or more business-related problems related to your chosen topic.
Speculate what type of data you might need to research one of these business-related problems and how you Describe how your map meets the criteria from the Time Map Checklist and identify the tools you will use to keep you on track. go about collecting that data.