What would  or would not have changed with what occurred in the past,or,what would today’s process do to preclude or create issues?

The United States Army went through changes in organizing its forces and generating new equipment/weaponry after Vietnam that allowed success during Desert Storm (Gulf War). Identify a historical capability gap (e.g., light infantry forces and how they would maneuver and face enemy forces in the future) from that time frame and recommend a capability gap solution (e.g., Bradley Fighting Vehicle) using the Army Force Management Model and apply it to this capability gap addressing organizational and material change.

Introduction of Essay: The essay should start with a comparative analysis of what occurred in this historical time frame between Vietnam and Desert Storm with regards to Force Management and Force Integration processes and compare it to Force Management and Force Integration processes used today. Then, compare the Army Force Management Model concepts and processes used today to what was used in the past during the same time frame. Introduction should answer the following:

1. What  is the“so what”of the differences?
2. How would things be different today?
3. What would  or would not have changed with what occurred in the past,or,what
would today’s process do to preclude or create issues?