a. What is the expected CD4 count for a patient taking supplements who
has had HIV for 2.5 years?
b. What is the expected CD4 count for a patient not taking supplements
who was diagnosed with HIV at study enrollment?
c. What is the expected CD4 count for a patient not taking supplements
who has had HIV for 2.5 years.
Practice Problem
Risk Factor Regression
Chi–Square P–value
Intercept –18.416 746.103 0.0001
Age, years 0.0533 95.004 0.0001
Male Gender* –0.2524 6.189 0.0129
Systolic Blood Pressure 0.0629 141.417 0.0001
Diastolic Blood Pressure 0.0752 80.237 0.0001
BMI 0.0637 29.209 0.0001
Current Smoker* 0.3270 10.116 0.0015
a. What is the relative importance (statistical significance) of the
risk factors?
b. Estimate adjusted odds ratios to quantify the effect of gender
and current smoking status on incident hypertension.
c. Who is more likely to develop hypertension, a man or a woman?