Describe your pre-assessment. What are your expectations for student outcomes on the assessment?

Review the CSOE Lesson Plan Template Instructions

Write a lesson plan using the CSOE Lesson Plan Template that you will be able to teach a 15-minute segment supporting your Week 3 Progress Report.

Ensure you have a pre-assessment that activates students’ prior knowledge on the content in your lesson plan.

Reflect on the following in the Lesson Reflection, Pre-Teaching section of the template:

Describe your pre-assessment. What are your expectations for student outcomes on the assessment?

What teaching model are you using? Why?

Note. In Week 3 you will record yourself teaching a 15-minute segment of your lesson plan that provides evidence of UU TPE 4

Include all artifacts, materials and assessments needed for the lesson.

Support your response with citations and references consistecgont with APA style guidelines