Where are the points of disagreement or divergence amongst scholars? What is not known about your research topic(s)/issues(s)?

A literature review is an essay—in this case, 10-12 pages—that organizes and synthesizes the sources found in assignment #2 (and your internship experience, if applicable) into a coherent and comprehensive exploration of what scholars have said about the topic, and the multiple ways scholars have approached the issue or attempted to solve the problem.

The purpose of a literature review is to:

– describe what is already known about your research topic

– organize sources to reveal common patterns, differences between scholarly “camps”, and similarities amongst literature

– present history of issue/topic/problem identified in assignment #1

– state what we don’t know about your research topic (in other words, a “gap in the literature”)


– 10-12 pages in length (double spaced, 12 point font)

– APA or Chicago style in-text citations and reference page

– Answer the following:

What is already known about your research topic(s)/issue(s)?
What are the common approaches to your topic?
What have scholars found about your topic?
Where are the points of disagreement or divergence amongst scholars?
What is not known about your research topic(s)/issues(s)?
Why is it important to study this/these topic(s)/issue(s)? In other words, what could be gained, in terms of solutions if we study this issue?
Grading criteria: Organizes and synthesizes evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus. Analysis provides history of issue/topic/problem and reviews logic/reasoning behind analysis. Identifies multiple approaches for addressing issue/solving problem.
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