Explain how the evidence and analysis support the topic sentence and overall topic.

The introductory paragraph should

a) begin with a hook,

b) provide background information about the novel or context as needed, and

c) contain a thesis that identifies the choices McEwan makes as an author in Atonement and makes a compelling argument about his bigger intentions and ideas.

In order to fully develop the ideas, each body paragraph should

a) begin with a clear topic sentence,

b) provide specific textual evidence,

c) analyze with close reading, and

d) explain how the evidence and analysis support the topic sentence and overall topic.

Finally, in the conclusion, be sure to

a) wrap up and emphasize your ideas and

b) offer a compelling final thought.

For the specific texual evidence, it must be quotes from the Novel, Atonement to help support the idea. The works cited page must be all from the novcgoel and not from any websites.