Discuss how likely you are to use this assessment in your SW practice? On a scale of 0 to 10, how comfortable are you with constructing a trauma loss list with a client?

Construct a Trauma Loss List of your own (be aware of your own wellbeing and sense of safety while you are doing this). NOTE: If you do not feel comfortable constructing your own T/L List, you may choose a fictional character from a book, movie, tv show, etc. and construct their T/L List.
Immediately after this exercise, practice the Safe Place exercise from Part A for yourself. You may choose additional grounding and centering exercises if you wish (Body Scan, Triangle Breathing, or other grounding exercises listed in the readings).

Following the Trauma/Loss List and Safe Place exercise, construct your “Best Things” List (see example below Example of Trauma Loss List).
Discuss how this experience went for you. NOTE: You do NOT need to share your T/L List, please just share what this experience was like for you.
Discuss how likely you are to use this assessment in your SW practice?
On a scale of 0 to 10, how comfortable are you with constructing a trauma loss list with a client?
If you aren’t at a 10, what would help you increase your comfort level 1 or 2 levels?
Make a plan to install these things into your practice.