What do you think Quinlan’s case raises in terms of the debate that the Shiavo case didn’t?

Remember to answer each section and each part of the sections. Please refer to and add documentation from the book that supports your answer. Thank you!

This week’s topic of applied ethics brings to the forefront one of the most contentious issues within the field of contemporary ethics.  Begin by reviewing the definition of “euthanasia” on page 286.  (attached)
Pay close attention to the meaning of the Greek roots of the word, as well.  Now watch the following film clip by The New York Times which provides a good overview of the landmark Terri Shiavo case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-rQ3tIabvM&t=286s
Read through the textbook’s introductory material regarding this case, on pages 285-286. (attached)
What are three of the main issues you noted from the Terri Shiavo case you think point to why the issue of euthanasia is such a controversial one?    Include at least a short paragraph.

Now, move on to reading about the “Death of Karen Ann Quinlan,” found on page 286. (attached)
What do you think Quinlan’s case raises in terms of the debate that the Shiavo case didn’t?  Offer two specific examples.  Please include book references that support the ideas.

Then read the background concerning euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide on pages 286-289. (attached)
Pay close attention to the bolded-in terms and note the evolution of the landmark court rulings detailed on page 288. (attached)
Based on your reading of the background and after having reviewed the overview of the landmark court cases,
What do you notice as a pattern as to how the courts have regarded the issue?  Offer at least three specific observations.
What do you think the evolution of cases point to in terms of how the issues are being handled?  Be specific. Please make sure to include book references pertaining to your response.
Next, read through the “Moral Theories” section on pages 289-291 (attached), paying close attention to the arguments for and against the various aspects of euthanasia, particularly active euthanasia?  What are three important points you note from this section of the read?  What do these observations raise in your mind about the strengths/weaknesses of the arguments railed for and against euthanasia?
Now, read the “Critical Thought” section on page 291 (attached) concerning Dr. Jack Kevorkian, popularly known for many years as “Dr. Death.”  Afterwards, watch the following New York Times film clip which provides a comprehensive overview of the famed doctor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_EKwSXOsVE&t=186s
What are three (3) of the most interesting takeaways you gained from the film?  Explain what you think the significance of each of those observations reveals about the debate
concerning physician-assisted suicide.  Be specific and reference the book.

Finally, read through the “Moral Arguments” section on pages 291-295,(attached) offering yet more analysis about the euthanasia/physician-assisted suicide debate.  What do you find to be the most interesting passage on these pages?  Taking that passage, which may amount to 1-3 paragraphs in the textbook, explain how you interpret that passage.  In other words, explain its significance as if you were teaching it to a classroom of students.

select ONE of the readings at the end of the chapter, taking care perhaps to select one you think will go against your own personal beliefs.  After reading and analyzing that selected reading, write a short paragraph analysis of what you think are the greatest strengths/weaknesses of that author’s perspective.  Be specific. Please reference the book some.