Do you think you were being helped or fixed? Or perhaps some combination? Why do you think this was helping or fixing?

Using the descriptions from Remen of the terms “helping,” “fixing” and “serving,” please respond to the following questions in your paper:
What is one experience of being “fixed” or “helped” that you have had in your life?
What was the context of that experience? What were your aims or intentions?
Upon what values were you acting in the situation? What feelings were you experiencing?
Do you think you were being helped or fixed? Or perhaps some combination? Why do you think this was helping or fixing?
Think about what impact this had on you and be as honest and thoughtful as you can in explaining this. What was the impact at the time? What is the impact on you now? This question should take close to a page to answer.
What is one experience of being “served” that you have had in your life?
What was the context of that experience? What were your aims or intentions?
Based on what values were you acting in the situation? What feelings were you experiencing?
Why do you think this experience was an experience of being “served”?
Think about what impact this had on you and be as honest and thoughtful as you can in explaining this. What was the impact at the time? What is the impact on you now? This question should take close to a page to answer.
How would you sum up your personal learning about helping, fixing and serving in the context of this course?
How does your reflection inform your conception of Public Service?
What questions emerged from writing this reflection?
Responding to this final question should take about a paragraph.