What kind of Battlefield Operating Systems apply, such as Intelligence, Maneuver, Fire Support, Air Defense, Mobility/Countermobility/Survivability, Combat service support, Command and Control?

1. Which Principles of War might apply to this battle, such as Objective, Offensive,
Mass, Economy of Force, Maneuver, Unity of Command, Security, Surprise, Simplicity?

2. What Tenets of Army (or Navy) Operation apply to this battle, such as Initiative,
Agility, Depth, Synchronization, Versatility?

3. What kind of Battlefield Operating Systems apply, such as Intelligence, Maneuver,
Fire Support, Air Defense, Mobility/Countermobility/Survivability, Combat service
support, Command and Control?

4. FINALLY (and very importantly) assess what the losing side should/could have
done to have won the battle!

G. Conclusion (Summary: What is