Write one (1) survey item. This can be in the form of a question or in the form of a statement that the respondent can agree or disagree with. It can be either open-ended or close-ended.

Write one (1) survey item. This can be in the form of a question or in the form of a statement that the respondent can agree or disagree with. It can be either open-ended or close-ended. If close-ended, provide the response categories.
In no more than three sentences, explain what data the item is designed to collect and why it meets Babbie’s guidelines for asking questions.
Respond to at least one fellow student’s item, respectfully raising any questions or concerns that you have about the item as written.


1) The survey is to get society view on the elderly and age groups restriction.


what age group is consider a senior (elderly)?

a. 50years

b. 55years

C. 65 years

D. 70 years and older

I would want to interview in different age group to get thoughts on senior age. I believe that society and government as confused the age group. For example, senior are normally 65 years or old because this is the retirement age. I want to show that senior age group has change. I see more how places are offer discounts and other opportunities for people ages 55 years and older.

2)Survey Question: During the last two weeks, how has your mental health affected your daily routine?

A: Often

B: Not so often

C: Always

D: Not at all

This survey question meets Baddie’s guidelines because it is a short, closed-ended question that provides a list for the respondents to choose from. Also, because a list is provided to pick from the responses will have more consistency.

3) Survey question: Do you think faculty and staff at the college were helpful?

a. Very helpful

b. Helpful

c. Unhelpful

d. Very unhelpful

This data will collect student feedback on how helpful they felt staff were during their college experience. This will also help the college understand how students feel about faculty and staff. In addition, this meets Babbie’s guidelines for asking question because the question is short, straightforward, and it’s relevant to the data