What are the challenges in appealing to Scripture in contemporary Christian ethics? Describe and evaluate one method or author addressing these challenges

With the agreement of your tutor choose a key moral concept within the Christian
tradition and evaluate the use of this concept in Christian moral theology in the light of the biblical drama.

● What are the challenges in appealing to Scripture in contemporary Christian ethics?

Describe and evaluate one method or author addressing these challenges

● What, if anything, does contemporary Christian ethics need in addition to love if the

church is to be biblically faithful in discipleship and witness?

● Do conscience and Scripture ever contradict each other and if so how should a

Christian respond to the conflict?

● Is Christian discipleship and witness able to be understood as a call to live

reasonably and in accordance with natural law?

● Virtue “is central in the New Testament but marginal in much western Christian

reflection” (Tom Wright). Discuss