How did the use of this guideline have an impact on the outcomes of your patients? If not able to implement the guideline, what are the potential impacts?

The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for you to examine your practice within the context of available best practice guidelines by the RNAO . The assignment also affords you the opportunity to examine the unit you are on and how it incorporates BPGs. This will require you to examine the opportunities and barriers to the use of BPGs.

Using the resources available from the RNAO, you will explore and select a practice recommendation from a RNAO best-practice guideline that has relevance to your clinical setting. The guideline itself may be either implemented already, or one that you would like to see implemented in your practice area as a student nurse. It is recommended that you work collaboratively to support your peers during this selection process.

Once you have selected a guideline, you will prepare a short presentation for your peers in the clinical setting. Based on your learning preference and learning style, you can select the method for your presentation. Some examples include: a) Video, b) Education pamphlet, c) Prezi, d) Powerpoint, or e) Case Study. Ultimately, prepare the presentation according to the directions provided by your clinical instructor.

Consider the following questions when planning your presentation:
How did the use of this guideline have an impact on the outcomes of your patients? If not able to implement the guideline, what are the potential impacts?
Identify and support with literature, the barriers and opportunities that occur when implementing the best practicgoce guideline on your unit.