Write a paper that explores the instructional shifts

Research the ELA and math instructional shifts for the Florida standards
Write a paper that explores the instructional shifts ([) building knowledge through content-rich non-fiction; 2) reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational; and 3) regular practice with complex text and its academic language] and the related instructional practices [1) building knowledge through reading and responding to content-rich informational and literary text; 2) close reading guided by text-dependent questions; 3) purposeful writing to argue a point of view and inform using sources and to narrate experience; and 4) frequent opportunities to read grade appropriate text, focusing on its academic language].
Be sure to address the following:
The research behind the shifts and the practices and why they are included in the Florida standards (FEAPS a.3.b)
The impact the instructional shifts hads had on standardized assessments in Florida.
Include a reflection of how the core value of personal development is connected to this topic.
This paper should be 3-5 pages in lengcgoth and should follow APA formatting