What value did the test have? What were the limitations? In what clientèle would these projective tests work best? What did you find interesting?

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Chapter 3 is about Assessment! So you have a client sitting in front of you, how are you to determine if their symptoms meet the criteria for a known disorder? You ASSESS! You may start with a clinical interview (structured and/or unstructured), then you will most likely go to a battery of psychological testing and perhaps observations. So for this chapter assignment, you will get to to play psychologist and do some psychological testing? Sound fun… it totally is! As you read, psychological testing falls into 6 categories. We are going to have a little fun with the first 2 categories: projective & personality inventories..

Step One: Find a willing friend!

Step Two: You will find 2 projective tests attached to this Assignment, the Rorschach Inkblot Test and a small portion of the Thematic Apperception Test. (READ ALL ABOUT THE ADMINISTRATION, INTENT AND USES OF THESE IN THE TEXTBOOK).

Step Three: Administer the Inkblot test to your friend, write down their answers word for word. Administer their TAT, write down their answers word for word. (Assure your friend that projective testing isn’t going to diagnose them with anything and they are not “crazy!” hehe)

Step Four: Write up their answers and review the readings. How did this test work for you? What value did the test have? What were the limitations? In what clientèle would these projective tests work best? What did you find interesting?

Step Five: Personality Inventory time! Take this version of the Myers Briggs: http://www.humanmetrics.com/personality When you are complete, you will know your Myers Briggs typology. Write up a reflection? How much of the typology really reflects your personality? Any parts that don’t sound like you? Take a look at the famous people and fictional characters with your personality type? Any fun people on your list?