Select one of the topics listed above and then find a journal article related to the topic.

Managerial Topics in Information Management

Each student will make a presentation on a journal article addressing an information management topic. The article you select should address one of the following topics: database administration, data standards and policies, data quality, data integration, data warehousing, and data mining.

Select one of the topics listed above and then find a journal article related to the topic. Your journal article should be at least four pages long and should have at least ten references. Please note that you may need to use additional search terms in order to find a journal article related to these topics. You may want to skim the textbook (especially chapters 11 and 12) in order to develop a strategy for searching for your journal article. As you search for a journal article to use for this assignment, try to find an article that you find interesting.
to Access the book go on and search for the name of the book Hoffer, J.A., Ramesh, V., & Topi. H. (2016). Modern Database Management. 12th
Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation on your journal article. Plan your presentation so that it will be interesting and engaging. You do not need to repeat everything in the article. Instead prepare a short summary focusing on the ideas from the article that are likely to be of interest to students in the class. Be sure to clearly identify your journal article in your presentation slides in case members of the class want to read your article.

Please be careful to avoid plagiarism while working on this assignment. As you summarize the journal article, be sure to state all ideas in your own words rather than copying directcgoly from the journal article.