Is Zionism still relevant today? Why or why not? How might the relevancy of Zionism be different for Jews living in Israel than for Jews living in the diaspora? Is it different for younger people than it is for older generations?

Is Zionism still relevant today? Why or why not? How might the relevancy of Zionism be different for Jews living in Israel than for Jews living in the diaspora? Is it different for younger people than it is for older generations? How does this all play out in a world of increased violent antisemitism and the resurgence of white nationalism (both globally and in the U.S.)? This op-ed should be a maximum of 800 words. Rubric 8.5 pts Full Marks How clear is your argument and how comprehensive is your analysis? Does the paper reflect a thoughtful examination of the topic at hand? Did you use appropriate academic sources? 1.5 pts Full Marks Have you written a well-crafted paper? Is the paper well organized, with an introduction and conclusion? Is there a clear thesis argument laid out at the beginning of the papecgor? Are there grammatical errors?