Find a shot in Sunrise where the Man is in a boat holding up a lantern

Find a shot in Sunrise where the Man is in a boat holding up a lantern, in MCU or CU. Illustrate the ABA pattern around the church, by showing the people going into the church, one frame from inside the church, and then one frame of the couple leaving. (You will need three PDFs for this question.) Find a matte shot from Sunrise. In other words, a shot that has the “special effects” of the time, done in camera, where a background that is painted takes up part of the frame. Find an example of visual comedy in the climb up the store in Safety Last. Something where one of the many obstacles gets in the way- birds, the net, the broken clock, etc. Find a close up of the Bride in Bride of Frankenstein, showing her in three point lighting with her hair glowing. Find an example of German Expressionist set design in Bride of Frankenstein. In other words, crooked walls, the crypt, the strange electric equipment in the lab, or anything with things that are very designed and unreal. Find an example of Rembrandt lighting in a close up in Bride of Frankenstein. Find a CU of Mrs. Danvers holding a candle in Rebecca, before she burns the house down. Find a low angle shot of Gutman, the fat man, in the Maltese Falcon. Find a shot from Cat People with a spooky night exterior. Here is an easy guide to where to find the movies online: SAFETY LAST SUNRISE (Links to an external site.) BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN (Links to an external site.) REBECCA THE MALTESE FALCON (Links to an external site.) CAT PEOPLE Any further questions pleacgose feel free to contact me