Anime Narrative-What is my character’s name? What does my character want? What is their goal?

Anime Narrative

Planning Page

What obstacle will get in their way? (this creates conflict – it could be another character, their own emotions or fear, something beyond their control etc.)

Where and when will the action take place (what is the setting?)

Remember to try and use some language techniques in your story. Try to come up with an example of each technique in the table below that could go in your story.

Describe something in lots of details so that the reader can see it.

E.g. The water shimmered in the sight as it flowed swiftly over the grey stones. My example:

Say something is ‘like’ something else.

E.g. His eyes were green like grass. My example:

My Narrative Opening

Write your narrative opening here.
Look at your planning page and your notification to help you write.
Try to write 350-400 words

Editing Checklist
Use this to check over your narrative

Included a title?
Explored an anime theme?
Established a setting?
Used some language techniques like the ones from my planning page?
Introduced a character?
Started a plot that explores my theme?
Used consistent point of view (either 1st or 3rd)?
Written in past tense?
Written descriptively?
Used full stops, capital letters, commas and other forms of punctuation when needed?
Used paragraphing?
Spelt all words to the best of my ability?
Used conjunctions to join my sentences together?