How is an author’s ability to build community and collaborate with others enabled by their writing on a range of different online spaces and platforms?

You are required to submit an essay (2400 words) that addresses a particular question in relation to your experience of writing on the web, compared and contrasted with the views put forward in a short text by George Orwell,

Choose one out of these three questions to answer as you shape your essay’s argument:

l (Q.1) How does an author’s online writing and publishing demonstrate changes in the relationship
between form and content in online versus offline spaces?

l (Q.2) How has an author’s sense of the division between public and private writing been altered by
the increasing amount and types of content published online?

l (Q.3) How is an author’s ability to build community and collaborate with others enabled by their
writing on a range of different online spaces and platforms?

To answer the question, and as part of your response to Orwell, you should draw upon the following as
l Your thinking behind your choice of topic, ie why did you want to write about that particular topic?
l Your experience of completing the writing tasks throughout the unit.
l Additional scholarly texts that you have identified as being relevant to the essay question you have

l Follows conventions of referencing (APA), grammar and expression
l Demonstrates understanding of key concepts in web publishing
l Relates conceptual understandings to practical examples of web publishing
l Demonstrates your advanced understanding of Writing on the Web (which can be achieved by the
careful choice and integration of additional material, including scholarly sources and/or examples, to
support your essay’s argument)