What significant similarities or differences do you find in their approaches? Are they in different disciplines, do they use different types of evidence, is the form that their writing takes different in any significant way?

In a 2-3 page paper, compare and contrast two readings that we have read so far. The point of this paper is to invite you to think comparatively about how scholars have approached the big question that animates this course:

What does it mean that the black woman is positioned as “wayward,” that is, in opposition to the normative? As you write this paper, your main goal is to demonstrate what new or compelling insights we gain from comparing these two writers’ approaches. Some questions to explore as you make this argument are:

• What significant similarities or differences do you find in their approaches? Are they in different disciplines, do they use different types of evidence, is the form that their writing takes different in any significant way?

• Are they directly “in conversation?” By this I mean, does one of them cite the other? If so, how do you see the influence of one scholar’s work on the other?

• Do they cite any of the same sources? If so, is their treatment or interpretation of these sources similar or does it differ in an important way?

• If they are writing about different locations or time periods, what might we learn by contrasting their accounts of black womanhood?

This list is a starting point but is by no means exhaustive. You may find other points of comparison on which to center your essay.

Papers will be evaluated on:

• A cohesive thesis statement which explains what you learned from considering these two texts alongside each other. For these types of papers, don’t worry about setting up a fancy introduction. You have limited space so jump right into your thesis statement!

• Development of the thesis with clear examples from the texts cited throughout your essay.

• Insight which demonstrates your own engagement of the texts outside class and in our in-class discussions.

• Proper formatting (12 pt. font, 1 inch margins, double-spaced)

• Proper citation (APA, MLA, or Chicago.