Discuss this statement with real life organisational examples and relevant models of organisational strategy to illustrate your points.

Research and answer ONE of the following two questions and present it as a business report.
An organisation’s values can impact its effectiveness. They determine how it behaves and how it responds to changes in its external environment and marketplace.

Discuss this statement with real life organisational examples and relevant models of organisational strategy to illustrate your points.
Discuss the relationship between organisational effectiveness and socially responsible behaviour. In your answer address why some organisations are more socially responsible than others and factors which may lead them to change their stance.

Use real life organisational examples and any relevant models to demonstrate your points.

Write your essay in the form of a well-structured, formal business report, with clearly numbered sections. The report should read like paper written by a management consultant, offering insight to the management of large organisation who may not by fully up to date with the topic.

Reading the report should offer them some insight, which may help them be more effective as an organisation.
Relevant references should be included in the Harvard style. Similarity will be monitored.