A Fortune-write a paper addressing/describing whether it has a learning disability and how it deals with this issue. Give clear examples supporting your conclusions based on the lessons learned and the information that you gather from your research.

Research a Fortune 500 company and write a paper addressing/describing whether it has a learning disability and how it deals with this issue. Give clear examples supporting your conclusions based on the lessons learned and the information that you gather from your research. You can also select your own company, if you wish, but remember that four references are required for all written assignments. Remember to use at least four legitimate references (not Wikipedia) to support your conclusions.  looking for meaningful and articulate content. Please remember to use the APA format and don’t forget to include a References page and to give credit where and to whom credit is due.
Learning disabilities we are learning about are
1.my Position-People don’t see themselves as part of a bigger structure, they
just do their own job
2. The enemy is out there-As a consequence, when things go wrong you blame
someone else (not doing their job properly), rather than seeing it as a failure of the
system of which you are a part
3. The illusion of taking charge-Taking aggressive action against problems makes
you feel ‘proactive’, although you are actually just ‘reacting’ to the problem
• True proactiveness means stepping back to see how you are creating your own problems and how you can solve them
4. The fixation on events-We have a short-term view of things, and think every event has one cause
• The media makes this work
5. The parable of the boiled frog-If you put a frog in boiling water he’ll jump out, but if you heat his water up very slowly he’ll just sit there happily until he boils
• We tend to miss seeing gradually growing problems because we go at such a frenetic pace
6. The delusion of learning from experience-You can’t learn from experience when
decisions affect other areas of the organization with which there is little real interaction, or when it is a few years before they take effect
7. The myth of the management team-too often these ‘teams’ produce watered-down compromises and break down under pressure