Explain what you relied on from the output and what you thought was not needed.

Read the case to understand the business situation.
Glenco starts on p. 519 of this rather poor-quality PDF.
The case has the description of the situation, and description of the data collected so you can understand the analysis output.
Review my Statistics Summary (Ball, 2005)
Download Statistics Summary (Ball, 2005)along with any other statistics resources you like and study the output of the Glenco SPSS analysis
Download output of the Glenco SPSS analysis.
Note that some of the analysis in the output may be nonsense or not necessary, so explicitly decide what is relevant in making your decisions.
This seminar is a community of learning in which you apply your prior knowledge of statistics (a prerequisite of program entry) in the ability to use statistical analysis to solve knotty business research problems.
For your first post, explain
(a) the major problem posed in the case and
(b) how you used the statistical analyses provided to
(c) come to recommendations for improvements.
Explain what you relied on from the output and what you thought was not needed.