How does this public health policy influence positive social change within a community?

The policy brief topic is: healthcare access and quality Title page is not necessary.

• Please complete the answers directly on the word document provided “Final assignment R2”.

• Pay close attention to each question and do not exceed the 3 pages

• If it says one paragraph, please write one paragraph

• If it says 3 sentences, please write 3 sentences

• Please include at least 5 references


Background and Current Statistics

Conduct research on the public health topic (provide at least 3 current peer reviewed articles you may use a government website for current statistics related to the public health issue.).

Public Health Importance

Why is the issue important – what impact does it have and how does it relate to public health practice

Type of Policy Recommended (Facilitating, Restrictive, Regulatory)

Policy Level (local, city, state, regional, national)

Specific Policy Recommendation (one paragraph)

Propose a policy to address this public health issue. Be sure to indicate what factor(s) the policy will address (e.g. physical environment, behavior change, education, regulating sales).

Implications for Positive Social Change (one paragraph for each question)

What are the possible outcomes if action taken (policy implemented) and inaction (policy not implemented)?

Policy Brief

Final Pitch to the Policy Maker-The Takeaway

Three sentences maximum!

Please see attached pdf for instructions