List two (2) things that you, as an Enrolled Nurse can do to respect Mrs Carr & maintain her safety, dignity, rights & self-efficacy within legal and ethical guidelines – take into account her Alzheimer diagnosis.

Hltenn005 re see below comments for question
Question 3:
Your answers must

List two (2) things that you, as an Enrolled Nurse can do to respect Mrs Carr & maintain her safety, dignity, rights & self-efficacy within legal and ethical guidelines – take into account her Alzheimer diagnosis.

Question 4:
Outline at least two (2) resources & services that may be available for Mrs Carr when she is discharged home, to assist her in the community setting. Please include the organisations name, services required, referral processes. Hint: you may need to go onto the organisations website to get this information

Question 5:
you must perform each of the outlined observations, hygiene & assistance for Mrs. Carr. (refer to Mrs Carr’s Person centered care plan and give a detailed outline)




mobility . These are just a few. Name them all and how often

Is there anything else you would ADD to the care plan that is not in there? (please look at ALL of her documentation) then explain your additions?

Question 6:
Please look at her BP.

Would you get Mrs Carr up for a shower? Include safety in your answer.

What kind of assessments are you going to do?

Can you notify anyone and who?

Where are you documenting?

Question 8:
Please read the Question carefully.

On admission is was 14/15 – E-4, V-4, M-6.

It’s now 12-15 – E-3, V-4, M-5.

In conjunction with the other above vitals you have taken, what does this mean and outline at least one (1) intervention/s you should take?

Please include

Mrs Carr’s GCS shows a deterioration in what?

12/15 is this a mild or moderate change in her status?

How can you monitor Mrs Carr closely?

Do you leave the patient to notify someone

How can you personally escalate the situation to get immediate attention due to her deterioration?

What assessments can be initiated by you?

Question 9:
Include in your answer

Other than nurse manager who can you speak to?

Any documentation that you could do.

How can you monitor Mrs Carr closely? Can she be moved and where?

Name the forms/paper work you need to fill out to escalate the RN actions for future improvements?