What contributions do hops make to beer, and what compounds are responsible for those? What is a base malt?


Answer the below questions one by one, not in a paragraph form:

What contributions do hops make to beer, and what compounds are responsible for those? What is a base malt?

How does kilning of base malts change over time?

What qualities do those changes make in the base malt’s that can be produced?

What are some base malts and what flavors do they give you? How are crystal malts produced? What qualities do they give in beer?

What qualities do roasted malts and roasted grains and unmalted grains give a beer?

What are the various kinds of yeast: explain and elaborate not just on lager vs. ale, but also stylistically (beers with big fruity flavors like Belgian Ale Yeast and English Ale Yeast- explain what all of these yeast are in detail)?

What temperatures are appropriate for yeasts, and what flavor profiles do we get as a result?

Why do we need to cool the wort quickly from about 140 degrees Fahrenheit to yeast pitching temperatures? Why are infections not more common?