How would you create awareness of this crisis issue to the community to prevent the issue from recurring, or how would you provide direction as to how to deal with the crisis in the future?

Choose a recent crisis (different from the one you chose in
Module 1) associated with any topic covered in this course
that is of interest to you. Create a Crisis Care Plan based
on the following outline:

1. General: Set up the situation. For which crisis are you planning? Be
specific. Describe the crisis situation and define why it is a crisis. Provide
details of the issues, people involved, and how it impacts their lives.

2. Summarize: Create an immediate protection plan that would serve in
helping the people impacted by the crisis. The foundation of the plan should
include research-based crisis methods, theories, and models that would be
used to develop and facilitate the crisis plan.

3. Predict: What services, supplies, and personnel will be needed? Predict
costs. Research and provide resources that would benefit people/families
who would potentially encounter this type of crisis.

4. Prevention: What can be done now to prevent any or all of these predicted
problems? How would you create awareness of this crisis issue to the
community to prevent the issue from recurring, or how would you provide
direction as to how to deal with the crisis in the future?

5. Crisis team: Who are the crisis team? What roles are needed?

6. Positioning: How will crisis team reach those in need? What transportation
or other positioning considerations are required?

7. Timeline: What timeline is needed for essential services to be performed?

8. Communication: How will the information be communicated to those who
need to know? Include community and/or media communication needs.

9. Evaluation: How will the crisis care plan be evaluated?