Explain whether your response to that queson has changed or stayed the same as a result of studying the person situaon debate

As we have learned, many prominent psychologists and theorists have worked hard to devise ways to define and measure components of personality and personality traits under the premise that personality is stable and can be predictable. But what happens when people behave in an unpredictable manner? How do we predict the unpredictable? In Module Three, as part of the traitbased approach to personality, you were introduced to the idea that personality states are temporary, dynamic, and can be induced by external smuli, including drugs or environmental stressors. The variability of personality states has brought about what psychologists term the personsituaon debate. You will invesgate this controversy in more detail in this assignment.
Aer reading the Shapiro Library arcles, Psychologist Stanley Milgram Begins ObediencetoAuthority Experiments, Stanford
Prison Experiment, and Moving Personality Beyond the PersonSituaon Debate, use the Module Five Acvity Template to
answer the following quesons in about 2 to 5 sentences each.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Analyzing Psychological Experiments
Describe the major takeaways from the Milgram experiments.
Describe the major takeaways from the Stanford prison experiment.
Describe the ethical implicaons of these experiments.
Implicaons of the PersonSituaon Debate
Describe examples of behaviors that highlight traitbased stability in the workplace or school.
Describe examples of behaviors that highlight personality states in the workplace or school.
Explain how your perspecves on your interacons with others might be impacted by the personsituaon debate.
In Module Three, you were asked the extent to which you thought personality could change over me. Explain whether your response to that queson has changed or stayed the same as a result of studying the person situaon debate