Discuss the general lessons about evidence that can be gleaned from the hierarchy of sources you’ve composed. In other words, what qualities should one look for in a research source?

Imagine you work in an urgent care clinic, and for one of your graduate classes you’re writing a research paper on the financial impact of the Affordable Care Act. During the research-gathering process, you weigh the value of the following sources of evidence:

For your discussion forum post, rank all of the above sources from most valuable to least valuable to your research paper. Then, compose two brief paragraphs:

Paragraph 1: Explain the reasons guiding your ranking of the sources. If you believe any sources are of equal value, or that additional information is needed to assess any source(s), be sure to explain this as well. (Assume all were published recently, i.e. publication date should not be a significant factor here.)

Paragraph 2: Discuss the general lessons about evidence that can be gleaned from the hierarchy of sources you’ve composed. In other words, what qualities should one look for in a research source?

What makes certain sources more credible and appropriate than others? What sorts of sources should you avoid when crafting research assignments?

When you provide a posting, please be sure to use the “Add New Discussion Topic” button (to start a new thread). To comment on a posted answer, please use the Reply link. Once other responses have been posted, comment on at least two other student’s posting in substance.