Evaluate how health care policy-making both directly and indirectly impacts the national and global healthcare delivery systems.

Quality Care and Criteria Measures

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

Describe how criteria sets/core measures contribute to the management of care in the U.S. healthcare system.
Evaluate how health care policy-making both directly and indirectly impacts the national and global healthcare delivery systems.
Appraise current laws and standards related to health information initiatives.
Perform quality assessment including quality management, data quality, and identification of best practices for health information systems.
Analyze the impact of policy on health.
Course outcomes assessed in this Assignment:

HI230-2: Assess the legal and ethical considerations related to managing health information and governing a healthcare institution.

Download and complete the Unit 8 Utilization Review Case Management Activity. First, you will be distinguishing between Severity of Illness and Intensity of Service for a list of indicators. You will then perform a utilization review and make decisions about discharge planning for 3 patients. Share how this activity assesses legal and ethical considerations related to HIM and governance of the facility.