Discuss how you are preparing your family for an emergency situation of shelter-in-place.

Disaster table
Describe a recent disaster you have been in either at home or at work. Describe your feelings about what was happening. Describe actions you took during this disaster (weather or other disaster-not COVID-19 related).
Describe disasters (natural and man made) that may affect the area where you live including vulnerabilities due to water, manufacturing, travel, and other situations that could arise.

Investigate the disaster plan for the town/area you live in. Call the person in charge of disasters or visit the website of your town. Present information on what you learned about how your town will help its residents during a disaster. Who are the populations at high risk in your area and what do they need? Provide a link to your town’s emergency website.

Discuss how you are preparing your family for an emergency situation of evacuation.

Discuss how you are preparing your family for an emergency situation of shelter-in-place.

Discuss the role of the public health nurse in the community after a disaster. Present the items you need as a public health registered nurse, if reporting to help during a disaster situation.