What did you learn from your classmates’ investigations that will help you in your career?

Multimedia Presentation & Reflection

Start a conversation about your presentation with the class by posting THREE questions with your presentation’s attachment or link that will get them thinking about your presentation.

The three discussion questions should be specific, interesting, and capable of initiating significant interaction among your group mates about your presentation’s assumptions and conclusions. This means you need to avoid simply asking, “What did you think of my draft?”
See suggestions for those questions here.

Each of you must post at least two substantive observations on two presentations other than your own presentation by Tuesday. React to at least one of the following about your classmates’ presentations or come up with your own analytical theme:

What did you learn about your classmates’ communication problems and the communication theories they used to resolve them? For example, have you experienced similar situations for which the theory or some other communication concept might be applicable?

What did you learn from your classmates’ investigations that will help you in your career?

Explain what you learn about your own communication skills and style from this investigation. What improvements do you think you should make in them?
Why is understanding communication in organizations important?