Demonstrates similarities or barriers when caring for the client through in- depth self-reflection, introspection, and appreciation of cultural differences Evidence or application of classroom and textbook content related to culture sensitivity

Culture Assignment
Demonstrate sensitivity to the beliefs, values, views, and practices of cultures in the health care environment. For this assignment, recall a patient whom you cared that was from a different culture.

Write a 1-2 page essay, including references, addressing the criterion below. Please note, this is not a formal paper and thus, does not require a title page. Also, please do not put your name, my name, or the course on your document. This paper meets the learning outcomes of the course and will also be audited randomly from the college (please see the syllabus and BB for more details.

Criteria Inadequate Developing Competent Proficient
Identifies the significant beliefs, views, values, and practices of culture(s) 0 Points: Does not identify the significant beliefs, views, values, and practices of the culture(s) examined

3 Points: Begins to identify the significant beliefs, views, values, and practices of the culture(s) examined, but lacks specificity

4 Points: Identifies the significant beliefs, views, values, and practices of the culture(s) examined using adequate evidence and examples

5 Points: Identifies the significant beliefs views, values, and practices of the culture(s) examined, demonstrated by substantial evidence and examples
Explain how you provided care by displaying cultural competence

0 Points: Does not explain the care provided using cultural competence 3 Points: Begins to explain the care provided using cultural competence

4 Points: Explains the care provided using cultural competence

5 Points: Explains in depth the care provided using cultural competence
Identify any similarities or barriers when caring for the client through in- depth self-reflection, introspection, and appreciation of cultural differences 0 Points: Does not identify any similarities or barriers when caring for the client

3 Points: Begins to identify similarities or barriers when caring for the client 4 Points: Demonstrates similarities or barriers when caring for the client

5 Points: Demonstrates similarities or barriers when caring for the client through in- depth self-reflection, introspection, and appreciation of cultural differences
Evidence or application of classroom and textbook content related to culture sensitivity

0 Points: No evidence or application of classroom and textbook content related to culture sensitivity

1 Point: Some evidence or application of classroom and textbook content related to culture sensitivity

2 Points: Evidence or application of classroom and textbook content related to culture sensitivity is included 3 Points: Evidence and application of classroom and textbook content related to culture sensitivity is thoroughly discussed
APA reference page/Grammatical errors 0 Points: No references are included 1 Point: References are included but not in APA format 2 Points: References are in APA format