How is learning about this topic relevant to your life currently?

This assignment will take approximately 4 hours to complete. You will need to allocate enough time to
choose your concept(s), reflect on its meaning for you, and to write up your responses. Your assignment
should answer the following questions:
• What concept is relevant to your (or the subject’s) life right now? Provide a thorough
description. (10% of assignment grade)
• How is learning about this topic relevant to your life currently? Answer this in detail. (30% of
assignment grade)
• What concept is relevant to your (or the subject’s) life in the future? Provide a thorough
description. (10% of assignment grade)
• How is learning about this topic relevant to your future goals? Answer this in detail. (30% of
assignment grade)
• Why should someone should learn more about the topic or topics you chose? (20% of
assignment grade)

Be sure to think sociologically when answering the attached questions. You should incorporate concepts
and ideas we have discussed in class when analyzing your experiences. You are also encouraged to
incorporate information from the text as well as outside sources (although this is not required). If you
choose to use information that is not your own, you MUST fully cite these ideas both within the text