For this essay,  consider what Mad off did with the billions of dollars that he stole.  Where is it? 

Bernie Madoff essay. Where is the Money?

For this essay,  consider what Mad off did with the billions of dollars that he stole.  Where is it?  Some of the money has been recovered, but most of it has not.  Look at the facts and come to a logical conclusion of three  ways he used the money, and where all of it went.  For example:

Does his family have it?   Is it hidden?

Does he have hidden assets overseas?

Does he have confederates here in the United States who have it?

How did he spend the money?  Your logic is just as valid as another’s logic.  Think about it.

If you wish to arrange the paragraphs differently you may do so, but you must have and introduction and conclusion.    You cannot just say the money is gone.  I want you to think about it.  Develop you paragraphs.  Two sentences are not a paragraph.  You must have parentheses with documentation.  Example ( or (Encyclopedia
I.  Introduction  = Background of Madoff and what he did before he started his investment firm.  Define and describe a Ponzi Scheme. This must be documented.
II.  Paragraph II   =  What people and institutions did he get money from?  How Much Money Did Madoff Embezzle? Give specific examples of people and institutions  document
III.  Paragraph  III = What did Madoff do with the money that we know about and can document.  For example, where did he live?  What did he buy?  (document)
IV.  Where is the remainder of the money.  Give specific example of where you think the money is now.  Madoff is in prison, but they have not recovered all the money
V.  Summarize the four paragraphs, and then explain where you think the money is and why you think it is there?  This is a supposition.  No one really knows so far.
VI.  Works Cited Page.  This must match your in-text citations.  If you have only two sources, then you can only have two in your works cited page.  This is a separate page.
Words You must use in the essay:
Con Man
Ponzi Scheme
Hedge Fund