Develop recommendation(s) by applying the best theory of the three you selected (Administrative Theory by Henri Fayol, Human Relations Theory by Elton Mayo and X&Y Theory by Douglas McGregor) and explain why you selected it to help solve your issue.

Use Henri Fayol’s Administrative Theory to help resolve the issues the line department are having, as
written on page 7-8 on the Final word document. You should use Henri Fayol’s theory for the majority of
problem solving, but you can use these two as well, Human Relations Theory by Elton Mayo
and X&Y Theory by Douglas McGregor.

Recommendation(s) Develop recommendation(s) by applying the best theory of the three you selected
(Administrative Theory by Henri Fayol Develop recommendation(s) by applying the best theory of the three you selected
(Administrative Theory by Henri Fayol, Human Relations Theory by Elton Mayo and X&Y Theory by
Douglas McGregor) and explain why you selected it to help solve your issue. , Human Relations Theory by Elton Mayo and X&Y Theory by

Douglas McGregor) and explain why you selected it to help solve your issue. Make sure you provide an
in-depth explanation of the issue and how your recommendation will impact the department
and/organization. This area will demonstrate how you are applying your knowledge gained in the
program and how as a leader in your organization will benefit.

Conclusion a. Provide an overall summary of the entire paper in one or two paragraphs.