Which three monuments would you most like to visit and why?

Write a statement of 1000 words that describes how this course has
altered your personal approach to, or understanding of, the role of
architecture in society. Be thoughtful and analytical. Say more than
simply, history affects architecture.

The following questions may help you focus on what you want to say:

o What knowledge have you developed from this course?

o What did you learn through this process?

o What are the critical issues?

o What are the essential lessons that you learned from the case

o What are the most important principles and ideas that have
shaped buildings and cities?

o How can this knowledge be applied in your architectural

o What are your new personal interests developed from the
ideas in this course?

o Which three monuments would you most like to visit and

o What is your personal approach to the role of architecture in

2. Pull together the content of your Course Work Journal.

Refer to “
Creating your personal archive” for more detailed information
on creating your Journal, and refer to
Assignment 2 for ideas about

When assessing your final Course Work Journal, your Academic Expert
will look for coherence and focus throughout. Here are some elements
that your Academic Expert will look for:

o Does the Journal demonstrate your engagement with course
content throughout? (Answering study questions
demonstrates this, for example.)

o Does the Journal develop a theme that either relates to

something in your personal statement from Assignment 1 or
develops the topics presented in Assignment 1?

o Do the various sections of the Journal combine to form a
connected whole?

o Is the overall presentation aesthetically pleasing, well
organized, and free of grammatical and spelling errors?

o Does the Journal demonstrate a consistent pattern of
engagement with the course materials and a gradual
improvement in research and writing capacities?

o Does the Journal include answers to the study questions for
each unit? [If you have submitted them throughout the
course, you do not need to submit them again here.]

o Does the Journal show evidence of independent inquiries,
creative thinking, and wider general reading? This is where
you can demonstrate progressive and cumulative mastery of
the course themes, materials, and essential research, study,
and writing skills.

o Is the recommended content present?

o diary of activities

o progressive work on the study questions and

o notebooks built toward final work on the
submitted assignments

o outlines and rough copies for the assignments

Submit Assignment 6 using the assignment drop box. Note that your five (5)
study questions for Unit 6 must also be submitted with this assignment. Different
study questions require different types of answers; these are the guidelines for
responding to study questions according to what each question asks for:

o submit a 200word (minimum) written answer; or

o submit a sketch and a 100word (minimum) written answer; or

o submit your own sketch with labels (no minimum word count).