How does the participation of corporations in law making and standard-setting by international organizations affect the output of these institutions? How would such involvement affect law making regarding the apparel industry?

1. How does the participation of corporations in law making and
standard-setting by international organizations affect the output of these
institutions? How would such involvement affect law making regarding the
apparel industry?
2. The ILO and the ITU are among the most welcoming of
organizations with respect to direct corporate participation. What might
account for this? Is direct corporate involvement especially conducive to
good law making in certain subject areas?
3. As the example of the ILO demonstrates, corporate participation in
setting international labor standards has not prevented corporations from
evading those standards. How can corporate participation in law making be
structured to promote corporate cooperation in implementation of norms?
4. Corporate involvement in international organizations extends beyond
the prescriptive process to formal dispute resolution as well. For example,
the 1965 Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes allows
corporations from one state party to institute arbitration against any other
state party if the latter has violated an investment commitment toward the
company and consents to the arbitration.