Briefly identify the sources of evidence that will be collected to meet the purpose of this doctoral project, and how they will be obtained

DNP Capstone Proposal
Briefly introduce the topic/problem, the nature of the DNP doctoral project, and potential positive social change implications of the doctoral project (later sections will allow you to elaborate).
Problem Statement
Explicitly state the local nursing practice problem that is the focus of this doctoral project.
Briefly clarify the local relevance of the need to address the problem, by highlighting documentation and information about the problem.
Briefly explain how the doctoral project holds significance for the field of nursing practice.

Describe the meaningful gap-in-practice that this doctoral project addresses.

State the guiding practice-focused question(s) for this doctoral project.
Clarify how this doctoral project has potential to address that gap-in-practice.
Nature of the Doctoral Project

Briefly identify the sources of evidence that will be collected to meet the purpose of this doctoral project, and how they will be obtained (you will elaborate on these topics in Section 3, and you will change the tense in the final document).

Briefly summarize the approach that will be used in this doctoral project to organize and analyze the evidence (you will elaborate on this topic in the Section 3, and you will change the tense in the final document).