Why do some people prefer the assimilation of language minorities and others prefer linguistic diversity?

Chapters 17 and 18 are central to understanding bilingualism,
multilingualism and bilingual education. They consider the political and
cultural dimensions that surround bilingualism in society (and bilingual
education in particular). Different views of the overall value and purpose of
bilingualism and multilingualism join together many of the threads of the
book. The finale of the book ( Chapter 19 ) takes a look at the present and
future with themes of multilingualism and the internet, employment, mass
media, economy and tourism.
Thus the concluding issues of the book include:
Why are there different viewpoints about language minorities and bilingual
Why do some people prefer the assimilation of language minorities and
others prefer linguistic diversity?
How does bilingualism and multilingualism relate to particular
employment, economic, technological and leisure developments in the
modern world?