What do you think is the conceptual definition of variable 2? What do you think is the operational definition of variable 2?


Dr. Q proposes a hypothesis: Healthy food improves life quality.
In this hypothesis, there are two variables. The first variable (variable 1) is healthy food.

Dr. Q explains the conceptual definition of healthy food is the nutrition value of food that benefits physical well being. The operational definition of this variable is to measure calories, protein, and vitamins in a certain type of food.

Dr. Q thinks there is another variable (variable 2) in the hypothesis. What is it? Please write down the name of variable 2 as well as its conceptual and operational definitions.

Name of variable 2:

What do you think is the conceptual definition of variable 2?

What do you think is the operational definition of variable 2?

In the hypothesis above, which variable (variable 1 or variable 2) is the independent variable and which one is the dependent variable?


For Q2, you need to first watch an advertisement on YouTube (any topic is fine). Based on what your view, finish the following tasks.

Based on what you watch, think of a research question or hypothesis and answer the following questions:

Copy and paste the URL link to the ad you watch. Also, briefly describe what the ad is about in one or two sentences.

Write down your research question or hypothesis.

Describe the conceptual definition of the variables in your research question.

Describe the operational definition of the variables in your research questions.

5) In your research question/hypothesis, which variable is the independent variable (IV)?

6) In this research question/hypothesis, which variable is the dependent variable (DV)?