Describe appropriate communication strategies to provide and evaluate care for people across the lifespan.

In order to pass this assignment all 4 learning outcomes need to be met.
1. Identify how health promotion and health policy can impact on people across the lifespan.
To meet this outcome you need to have demonstrated that you have used health policy within your references, this would include NICE guidelines, public health England advice, world health organisation advice, as examples. You have only used NICE guidelines, however a wider variety of health policy could have been used. Although you have discussed empowering Tracey, educating her, and social prescribing, there were no clear links t these being approaches to health promotion and a more effective evidence base could have been used.
2. Describe evidence based practise as an intervention to proactively respond to people experiencing behavioural distress.
To meet this outcome you need to choose four appropriate interventions (which you have) and demonstrate understanding of the intervention within your discussion. You have explained and evaluated your interventions quite well and have provided an evidence base to your discussion.
3. Recognise care across the lifespan for commonly encountered physical, behavioural, cognitive and mental health conditions.
To meet this outcome you need to consider the involvement of any key family members in the plan of care. This information requires an evidence base, so you would need to do some reading around family care or a more holistic family approach. Your discussion around other family members was quite brief and needs to have a more effective evidence base to provide some evaluation.
4. Describe appropriate communication strategies to provide and evaluate care for people across the lifespan.
To meet this outcome you need to explore how effective communication can be delivered to Tracey, thinking about why her communication may be impaired, and how communication can be adapted to support her. Whilst you have mentioned this it could be linked to the problem more effectively. Any discussion around communication also needs an evidence base.