Analyze and summarize the perspectives of two members of the multidisciplinary team, particularly relative to Paula’s pregnancy.

Read the case study of Paula Cortez, and in a 3-page paper, complete the following:

• Utilizing two of the assessment models provided in Chapter 5 of the Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families: Evidence-Informed Assessments and Interventions (see attached), provide a comprehensive assessment of Paula Cortez.

• Using the Cowger article, identify and discuss two areas of strengths in Paula’s case.

• Analyze and summarize the perspectives of two members of the multidisciplinary team, particularly relative to Paula’s pregnancy.

• Describe the model that the social workers appear to be utilizing to make their assessments.

• Discuss the potential for bias when choosing an assessment model and completing an evaluation.

• Provide an explanation of the specific strategies that YOU, as Paula’s social worker, would use to avoid these biases.

Include a heading for each section based on the bulleted assignment guidelines. Support your response with specific references to the attached resources and provide full APA citations for the references used.