Is this topic important when studying American history? Why or why not? How is this topic connected to us today? What can we learn from it?

In essay format, write a summary of the article. Your summary should be insightful and provide a thorough analysis of the content presented. Make certain to clearly identify (using APA guidelines), any paraphrased and directly quoted content from your article. First person narrative (i.e., your personal opinion) is not permitted in this section.

Your response must be at least 300 words in length.

In essay format, write your personal reflection of the article. First personal narrative (i.e. your personal opinion) is permitted in this section. As you are constructing your personal reflection, address the following questions:

Why did you select this topic?
What interested you most about the article?
What surprised you the most in the article?
Is this topic important when studying American history? Why or why not?
How is this topic connected to us today? What can we learn from it?